Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ukriane - Day One

Well, after a nine hour plane ride and a full day of traveling we are here in Kiev, Ukraine! We got here at 9am Ukraine time, but because it is 7 hours ahead here I so wanted to go back to sleep - especially after seeing our amazing room.

Even so, we had the whole day to roam around the city. At first none of us knew what to do really or where to go... or how to get there?!

Exhibit A
Exhibit B - AKA a bathroom sign that we found out said "Out of Order"... after the toilet overflowed.

But alas, we found food. This is.. err... was my first Ukrainian meal.... mmmm.

My roomie, Mary Lyn couldn't really figure out what was in hers.

Afterwards we found a road with lots of street vendors

and a really cool synagogue? There are LOTS of Orthodox Jews here.

I am learning a couple of things -

1. How to speak with hand gestures since I know no Ukrainian.
2. And that I should probably get used to people staring at the poor American girl who has to make hand gestures because she knows no Ukrainian.

Miss you all!!!

Mary Lauren

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