Friday, May 21, 2010

Romania - Day Six & Seven

Sorry I haven't been able to update in a couple days. Yesterday was sort of non-eventful anyways... It basically consisted of us riding in the bus for a total of 8 hours which included a long wait at the border of Romania while they checked our passports and luggage. But I got some great pictures!

This was at our hotel in the morning before we left.

Pretty farmland!

Once we got into Romania we were relieved to find better roads. It was obvious that Romania had better infrastructure which is mostly due to it's joining of the European Union not too long ago. The houses were bigger and more well built.

This was my dinner at the hotel that night. We had cabbage salad (the Eastern Europeans eat A LOT of cabbage), a hash brown cake, pork, and some kind of raspberry crepe thing for dessert.

Today we took a tour of four monasteries. They all had beautiful painted frescos on the outside and gardens to die for. Our guide, Chip, was very knowledgeable about them and explained the intricate paintings about the life of Christ and the Orthodox liturgy. All the monasteries had unique frescos of the Orthodox liturgy calender representing each day of the year. These were painted for the early Christians who were illiterate.

Our lunch was AMAZING
Amazing homemade bread and vegetable soup

Many people in the mountain region we were in drive horse buggys!

Here we are at dinner earlier in an Italian restaurant.

Note to self: do not assume you should smack the hand dryer when it says "smack". It was just the brand.

Tomorrow we journey to Transylvania!!! Miss everyone....

Mary Lauren

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