Monday, May 31, 2010

Prague - Day 17

In order to get to the main hotel building we have to ride a tram...It's basically a really slow, enclosed roller coaster if you ask me.

You can also see a great view of the city!

Good morning Prague :)

We crossed over the Charles Bridge and there was a band made up of really cute old men.

He was so happy to see me!

Then we went to the National Museum which houses archeological, gem, and animal exhibits. It was fun to see a bunch of stuffed owls and bones of ancient people.

Ayesha with her cheese wiz. That girl has enough snacks to survive an Apocalypse.

Me and Mary Lyn - the best roomie EVER...

We went to see La Traviata at the National Theater later that night. It was really interesting with the minimalistic approach but really good. Not to mention the theater was GORGEOUS.

We went back to the Charles Bridge that night to see the city lights.

Jam packed day in Prague? - check.

Mary Lauren

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