Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ukraine - Day Two

It has been a rainy day in Kiev, but we soldiered on! This morning included a bus tour of the city and some amazing Cathedrals. This is beautiful St. Sophia's. It will be celebrating it's 1000th birthday next year.. WHOA.

Inside was a modern mosaic made of all hand painted eggs which are really popular souvenirs to buy around the city.

The girls decided to stop at the mall for lunch. My choice? Traditional Ukrainian food. Their Choice? McDonalds, the "universal language of the stomach".

We also found Harry Potter....

And explored the main square...

I'm so thankful for other photogs on the trip including my roomie, Mary Lyn. It means I get pictures of myself!

This was my first real Ukrainian meal "Luxuious Chicken" and "Night and Day" cake

It will be our last day in Kiev before we board an overnight train to Lviv!

Mary Lauren


  1. Love the pictures. What an awesome experience, have fun!!
    Angela Bolanos

  2. these are gorgeous!! just like i knew they'd be :)

