Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ukraine - Day Five

This morning we left Lviv although all of us wanted to stay longer! However, I don't think we would have been as sad had we known what was awaiting us in the Carpathian Mountains :) Our 5 hour bus ride took us through countryside and little towns.

We stopped at this gas station on the way and this was the sign on the bathroom. Not exactly sure what it means...

Each little town has it's own church. Many of them are extravagant even if the people of the town do not make very much.

At one point all I could see was fields for miles - no signs, or trees or even cows.

We were all scared the bus wasn't going to make it through the tiny roads and bridges, but I'm glad we did. We were in awe once we saw where we were staying!!! It's called Korunka and it's basically heaven on earth.

This is the view from our room!

I finally got the Curtis' to smile!

A puppy we found. See, told ya it was heaven.


We're leaving tomorrow morning, but I wish we could stay :( Romania Tomorrow!

Mary Lauren

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