Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ukraine - Day Three

I became more convinced yesterday that we had brought the Nashville flood with us because it just hadn't stopped raining (and still hasn't)! It was our last day in Kiev so we decided to take a taxi to the Lavra Monastery. It is known for it's underground caverns where many of the former monks are buried. The actual caves are very small and you have to light candles to see anything. The outside was gorgeous and the Monastery contained over 10 different buildings and cathedrals. Here's a couple shots ...

They also had a sculpture made out the famous Ukrainian painted eggs. You'll notice I'm wearing a scarf on my head and no make-up. We all had to out of respect.

I didn't get to take much more because it started to rain REALLY hard and lightning. After it was safe we made our way back to a bakery beside the hotel. As you will see, the light kept hitting my head...

After dinner we packed up and headed to the train station where we would board an overnight train to Lviv. I was quite excited about the experience, because rocked to sleep by the tracks, but my time on the train was dismally dissapointing. This was the "room" me and Mary Lyn shared - meant for up to FOUR people. I won't even show you the picture of the bathroom.... GRODY! Not to mention that we slept a total of 2 hours because we kept hearing and feeling what seemed like gun shots underneath us the entire night.

And we forgot a cork screw... so we pulled a "Rick Mansfield"

More to come later! I'm head to dinner in beautiful Lviv!

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