Monday, May 31, 2010

Prague - Day 16

It was time for our last leg of the journey - Prague. But first we visited Konopiste Castle which was last owned by Franz Ferdinand. He was a huge hunter and killed over 300,000 animals and many of them are in the castle including parts of elephants. Along with that he has one of the largest armory and weapon collections in Europe. I cannot count the number of guns and swords and crossbows. If you are a Buffy fan this was definitely for you :) We couldn't take pictures inside but here is the beautiful exterior!

Then we got to the city of wonderful Prague (aka our home for the last 5 days of the trip). Dr.Wylie took us down to the Old Town and gave us a short tour to get our bearings.

You can see the National Museum at the end.

The famous clock tower on the Old Town Square

I felt ignorant when I realized there are bikers in Europe, and Hell's Angels at that. We've seen little groups of them everywhere and I have to admit I giggle a little inside.

The Old Town Square

After the tour we ate dinner and pretty much fell into bed. After a slight introduction to the city I was ready to see more the next day...

Mary Lauren

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