Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Slovakia - Day 12

Today we left Hungary and got on the bus for Slovakia. I was sad to leave those water buffalo, but we got a great surprise that cheered me up. Jiri announced we would be taking a side trip to Budapest for 30 min. It was definitely a really cool city even though it was for a short time. The group that Wylie took to Europe last year stayed there for a few nights so he was able to drop us off at a neat little shopping area.


After we left the land that was once flat in Hungary turned hilly...

Wind mills

Our room in the Botel (look near the bottom for a picture)

Mary Lyn and I are easily amused, hence the random soap pictures.

Our botel is right on the Danube River.

It was so beautiful tonight walking back from dinner. Light breeze but not too chilly.

Our Botel!

That's all for now. I've got to get to bed because it's past 12pm here. Plus we have to get up early in the morning for our walking tour and bus ride to the Czech Republic!!! Woo! Night night.

Mary Lauren

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