Monday, May 31, 2010

Prague - Day 18

This morning we took a walking tour of the Jewish Quarter. During World War II it was a Jewish Ghetto.

Here is a statue of Devorak (a famous Czech composer) and all the music students and Dean Curtis. She said she needed something for the bulletin board :)
The New Old Synagogue

The Jewish Cemetery where 20,000 people are buried. There are only 12,000 tombstones because they had to start putting new graves on top when they ran out of room. Crazy!

The Jews have a tradition of putting a stone or coin on top of a gravestone when they visit it. This one is also stuffed with prayers.

Inside one of the Synagogue were drawings from the children of Terezine - a transit ghetto.

Afterwards a few of us decided to visit the famous clock tower in the Old Town square. Every hour there are figures that move in it.

The figures circled around the windows.

Then when the line died down we decided to climb it.

Inside the really really fancy elevator.

I love all these great views of the city.

I had to take this over the side without looking down. I'm realizing more and more that Mom passed down her fear of heights to me.

On the top of the clock tower! After this I had to cling to the side of the building for dear life!

Next stop was St.Vitus Church... there are funny guards.

This was one of the first churches we could take pictures in so I took full advantage.

Immediate following this picture a security guard chased us down to tell us we shouldn't destroy national treasures by sitting on them... oops. It was worth it for the picture!

Wonderful concert tonight in St.Nicholas Church... look down to see the program if you're a classical geek.

Now that I am FINALLY caught up on my blogging I am going to bed. We have a full day tomorrow of planned touring and including a crystal factory :) don't want to be sleepy! Night!

Mary Lauren

Prague - Day 17

In order to get to the main hotel building we have to ride a tram...It's basically a really slow, enclosed roller coaster if you ask me.

You can also see a great view of the city!

Good morning Prague :)

We crossed over the Charles Bridge and there was a band made up of really cute old men.

He was so happy to see me!

Then we went to the National Museum which houses archeological, gem, and animal exhibits. It was fun to see a bunch of stuffed owls and bones of ancient people.

Ayesha with her cheese wiz. That girl has enough snacks to survive an Apocalypse.

Me and Mary Lyn - the best roomie EVER...

We went to see La Traviata at the National Theater later that night. It was really interesting with the minimalistic approach but really good. Not to mention the theater was GORGEOUS.

We went back to the Charles Bridge that night to see the city lights.

Jam packed day in Prague? - check.

Mary Lauren

Prague - Day 16

It was time for our last leg of the journey - Prague. But first we visited Konopiste Castle which was last owned by Franz Ferdinand. He was a huge hunter and killed over 300,000 animals and many of them are in the castle including parts of elephants. Along with that he has one of the largest armory and weapon collections in Europe. I cannot count the number of guns and swords and crossbows. If you are a Buffy fan this was definitely for you :) We couldn't take pictures inside but here is the beautiful exterior!

Then we got to the city of wonderful Prague (aka our home for the last 5 days of the trip). Dr.Wylie took us down to the Old Town and gave us a short tour to get our bearings.

You can see the National Museum at the end.

The famous clock tower on the Old Town Square

I felt ignorant when I realized there are bikers in Europe, and Hell's Angels at that. We've seen little groups of them everywhere and I have to admit I giggle a little inside.

The Old Town Square

After the tour we ate dinner and pretty much fell into bed. After a slight introduction to the city I was ready to see more the next day...

Mary Lauren

Cesky Krumlov - Day 15

Oh, Cesky... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

We woke up in the beautiful town in time to get a quick breakfast and take a walking tour of the city. It is picture perfect with it's cobblestone streets and old buildings.

Here is the church... I wish I had a picture of the inside but so far all of the cathedrals we've visited won't let you :( boo that!

There are these finger statues EVERYWHERE. We asked the guide what they mean and she said they were done by a local artist and there really is no meaning behind it. Ok???

The castle cathedral taken from the bridge.

Told ya it was picture perfect! Like a movie set or something.

We walked up to the castle area and this is the inner courtyard. There is a special way they painted this called grafiti. It involves layering wet paint and scratching it off to create an optical allusion.

Love this view.

Mom, do you mind if I move here? I promise I'll come back to visit you!

Inside the castle gardens. These girls entertain me.

There are bears that actually protect the castle. How cool is that?

The best part of the day was getting to tour the castle opera house from the Baroque era. Everything inside was original and we got to see the original sets, costumes, and even a pully system under the stage with trapped doors. Unfortunately they didn't allow pictures or else you would be seeing them right now. I'm thinking it might just win my "favorite part of the trip" award.

After the baroque opera house we toured the local brewery which was built by the Royal Eggenburgs. They still make beer in it today.

I tried some dark beer which reminded me how much I dislike the taste. You can see a small foam mustache if you look closely.

More later!

Mary Lauren
