Here is a statue of Devorak (a famous Czech composer) and all the music students and Dean Curtis. She said she needed something for the bulletin board :)

The New Old Synagogue

The Jewish Cemetery where 20,000 people are buried. There are only 12,000 tombstones because they had to start putting new graves on top when they ran out of room. Crazy!

The Jews have a tradition of putting a stone or coin on top of a gravestone when they visit it. This one is also stuffed with prayers.

Afterwards a few of us decided to visit the famous clock tower in the Old Town square. Every hour there are figures that move in it.

The figures circled around the windows.

Then when the line died down we decided to climb it.

Inside the really really fancy elevator.

I love all these great views of the city.

I had to take this over the side without looking down. I'm realizing more and more that Mom passed down her fear of heights to me.

On the top of the clock tower! After this I had to cling to the side of the building for dear life!

Next stop was St.Vitus Church... there are funny guards.

This was one of the first churches we could take pictures in so I took full advantage.

Immediate following this picture a security guard chased us down to tell us we shouldn't destroy national treasures by sitting on them... oops. It was worth it for the picture!
Wonderful concert tonight in St.Nicholas Church... look down to see the program if you're a classical geek.

Now that I am FINALLY caught up on my blogging I am going to bed. We have a full day tomorrow of planned touring and including a crystal factory :) don't want to be sleepy! Night!
Mary Lauren