"...Today brought more de-licing and more playing with the children. But, the best part of the day was dinner. We ordered Pizza Hut for the kids and they were thrilled. They ate 300 pieces of pizza! Bobby had the great idea to bring glow sticks- 120 of them! His motto was 'I have never seen a sad kid with a glow stick!' Boy was he right! No sad faces here. Amazing joy and love these kids have!!
At the end of the night they all thanked us and said 'the gates of the orphanage were always open to us'. They are so concerned we are not coming back tomorrow. I guess because we had a party tonight. They were begging us to come back. That is one promise that we intend on keeping." - Amanda P.

The girls love to play hand games.

The other girls learned how to de-lice each other, so when we leave they can hopefully continue to stay lice-free.

All the little girls loved Bobby.

So many clothes to fold for so many little ones.

One of the young moms with her baby.

One of the girls' showers. 25 girls share this.

One of the girls' rooms

This is where they wash many of their clothes.

Wild dogs are all over the place. One night at the hotel I looked down and saw one looking up at me waiting for me to feed him. I almost had a heart attack, but they are harmless.

Jordan and some of the boys with their glow sticks!
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