Thursday, March 18, 2010

El Salvador Day 1 "Holy Truck Bed!"

God blesses in many ways. Last week he blessed me through 100 beautiful children at an El Salvadorian orphanage. Our Visiting Orphans team of 11 people boarded the plane not knowing what exactly to expect. I for one was worried about how I would communincate and love these orphans. Little did I realize the magnitude of the kids love and joy for me. For those who have been following me in this journey already and for those who might have just stumbled on my blog I invite you to look into the eyes of these children and see God's faithfulness in protecting the fatherless.

On the way to El Salvador! A reminder that God was providing for us even then.

My amazing comrades.

The pool at our hotel the first night.

I had no idea I would be riding in the back of the pick-up truck the whole week. I'm not kidding - even on the freeway (but don't tell my mom :)

Sonja going for the awesome shots.

Street vendors

If you look closely you can see me in the back of the truck... I'm so rebel.

The view at our hotel by the orphanage. Such a restful place.

Jenni handing out the pictures of the kids from her last trip there. They swarmed her.

This baby went to the hospital shortly after we arrived. (notice the swarm around Jenni's pictures in the background)

Sonja meeting Carmen for the first time! Now she and Bobby are trying to adopt her!

All the boys swarmed Jordan anytime he got out his iPod touch. They would stand there for hours!

I immediately fell in love with every single one of their faces.

One of the little girls holding a picture from Jenni. Last time they brought them shoes.

Amanda holding sweet Guadeloupe. She was always smiling :)

They loved seeing themselves in the back of my camera.

The kids' pet parrot.

We bought ice cream and it was a huge hit. The kids lined up outside the kitchen window.

They all LOVED getting their picture taken. Whenever I got my camera out I had to expect to get bombarded by at least 30 kids. They were fascinated by seeing themselves in the back of my camera. I think this is because there are no mirror there so they never get to see themselves!

Wendy and Wendy! Little Wendy was so proud to share big Wendy's name.

The twins. So beautiful.

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