Monday, March 29, 2010

Sneak Peak

Had an awesome session with my lovely friend Sam today :) Here is a sneak peak of all her beautifulness. More to come laaaaater....

Here's the rest as promised!...

Hottness take one...

Take two...

take THREE! (my fave)

And here's the recital poster I designed for her :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

El Salvador Day Seven "Adios El Salvador!"

It was time to say goodbye to a country I had come to love and understand a little more. As heartbreaking as it was to carry the burdens of these children for only a little while, God blessing far outweighed it all. I was also filled with so much joy in knowing that there are no orphans of God.

Romans 8:14 says "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him." In reality, we all need a perfect father, a father who would rather die than live without us and count his own righteousness to us. Halleluiah! God is good.

PS - You can also read about our trip on our team blog. A different team member posted each day we were in El Salvador.

A local El Salvadorian lady made her house into a bed and breakfast for missionary groups to stay. It was lovely!

It was hard to leave the kids, but as we were on the way to the airport I was reminded of the kind of life they don't have to live anymore. These shacks lined most every road in El Salvador.

Landing back in Miami! Our trip was officially ending!

Thank you to everyone who gave to my trip, booked a session, and especially prayed for me and the kids! It was a life changing experience and I learned so much about God's love. My heart will forever be connected to these orphans and I have decided that one day I definitely want to adopt. Praise God!

PS - you can also read about the trip through our team blog. A different team member posted on each day of our trip.

El Salvador Day Six "Meeting Estephany"

On Thursday we got to meet the Compassion child Wendy and her family sponsors. It just happened to be Estephany's birthday, so we got lunch and hiked a volcano! It was hard knowing we weren't going back to the orphanage, but it was nice to get a day for relaxation.

People in El Salvador ride like this all the time. Scary!

The crater of the volcano.

El Salvador Day Five "The Final Adios"

Our plan was laid out at breakfast. Well, sort of. It seemed like there were a million loose ends to tie - donation distribution, birthday parties, final goodbyes. Plus, we needed to send Danilo and some others to the market to buy the rest of the supplies which meant no translator! Jenni and Jordan flew out that morning and we were already missing them, which meant we didn't even want to the THINK about saying goodbye to the kids. It was much easier to think about what needed to be done.

Once we arrived at the orphanage a few of us went to work organizing the donations into little bags to giving to each child. Piles of watches, toothbrushes, underwear, and soap covered the room which was at first a little overwhelming. However, when you put four women in a room - they will organize! The boys were most excited and proud to get the watches. One little boy kept showing me his and flexing his muscles.

Next was project PAR-TAY. 11 cakes, 4 pinatas, and 110 sugar-hyped kids later we had celebrated every single child's birthday! After a beautiful and very off-key (if I do say so myself) "Feliz Cumpleonos" we broke out the pinatas. We knew they were a hit when all the kids swarmed one that had dropped tearing it to shreds in order to get every piece of candy and dollar stuffed inside. I believe I still have sticky sugar all over my clothes :)

These faces looking up at me will be ingrained in my mind forever.

Next was project PAR-TAY. 11 cakes, 4 pinatas, and 110 sugar-hyped kids later we had celebrated every single child's birthday! After a beautiful and very off-key (if I do say so myself) "Feliz Cumpleonos" we broke out the pinatas. We knew they were a hit when all the kids swarmed one that had dropped tearing it to shreds in order to get every piece of candy and dollar stuffed inside. I believe I still have sticky sugar all over my clothes :)

They young mom's have been on our hearts all week. The Amandas (who are both NICU nurses) were able to teach them basic care such as keeping them cool. They've been wrapping them in layers of clothes and fleece blankets in the 90 degree heat. One result has been heat rashes. Many of the were very receptive and hopefully will continue to learn how to take care of their babies.

Even the little ones prayed before betime and every meal. Donilo said there were always saying "Thank you, God for the Americans"

Then the dreaded goodbye. I personally had avoided the thought since the moment I met all of their beautiful eyes. We started to make our way to the truck the whole way giving out a towel to each and every child. The whole way I told myself, "Ok Mary Lauren, just keep yourself together". After a little boy came up to me with a big smile and told me, "Thank you for my towel," I lost it. BIG TIME. Before, they had been sharing one towel for every 25 kids so this was a big deal. Not to mention some of the kids had started their own water works. I tried to hug and kiss as many as I could. The kids we had bonded the most with clung to our arms and legs, begging us to not forget them. I looked around at the other team members only to see them crying too and receiving notes from the kids. They told us we were their angels from God and that they would be waiting until we come back.

The final adios was one of the hardest things probably all of us have ever done. But I thank God for protecting the kids. I have never understood God's love the way I did when I looked down at their innocent eyes and smiling faces that told the story of His sacrifice for us. Halleluiah! He would have died rather than live without us.

El Salvador Day Four "Praising God"

Day four was rough. The day before I had gotten severely dehydrated and had to be in bed for most of the morning on Wednesday. Fortunately most of team members are nurses so I was well taken care of after a some Gatorade and antibiotics.

The de-licing finally got wrapped up and to celebrate we ordered Pollo Camanero for all the kids which is a local fast food place. In El Salvador all of the Mcdonald's and Burgur King's are more like nice sit down restaurants because very few people can afford it.

Afterwards, we went to their mid-week worship service which ended up being the highlight of my day. The songs were led by a worship band and dance team which were imitated by many of the kids in the crowd. Little girls knew all the dance moves and the boys pulled some serious air guitar. I was amazed at how joyfully their praised God. It was the highlight of their entire week!

Eating Pollo Camanero

The worship service.

El Salvador Day Three "Glowsticks and Pizza"

This is taken from our team blog. I think it sums up day three pretty well...

"...Today brought more de-licing and more playing with the children. But, the best part of the day was dinner. We ordered Pizza Hut for the kids and they were thrilled. They ate 300 pieces of pizza! Bobby had the great idea to bring glow sticks- 120 of them! His motto was 'I have never seen a sad kid with a glow stick!' Boy was he right! No sad faces here. Amazing joy and love these kids have!!

At the end of the night they all thanked us and said 'the gates of the orphanage were always open to us'. They are so concerned we are not coming back tomorrow. I guess because we had a party tonight. They were begging us to come back. That is one promise that we intend on keeping." - Amanda P.

Wendy, Sonja, and I were never without our cameras!

The girls love to play hand games.

The other girls learned how to de-lice each other, so when we leave they can hopefully continue to stay lice-free.

All the little girls loved Bobby.

So many clothes to fold for so many little ones.

One of the young moms with her baby.

One of the girls' showers. 25 girls share this.

One of the girls' rooms

This is where they wash many of their clothes.

Wild dogs are all over the place. One night at the hotel I looked down and saw one looking up at me waiting for me to feed him. I almost had a heart attack, but they are harmless.

Jordan and some of the boys with their glow sticks!
