Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prague - Day 19

Yesterday we left our hotel (awesomeness shown below) bright and early for our planned tour day. I was excited to do some things off the beaten path.

Our first stop was a World War II Memorial for the town of Lidice which was destroyed during Nazi occupation. This statue is of the 82 children who were killed either in concentration camps or gas chambers. It was extremely moving to see all their faces, so life like and haunting. It just reminds me how we will never understand the extent of devastation of the second World War.

There was also a very well designed museum which showed actual footage of the destruction of the town and letters the Lidice children had written from the concentration camps. The few children that did survive spoke for a documentary that was also playing there. Most of them were sent to orphanages and adopted by German parents. By the time they were able to see their destroyed homeland they had forgotten every bit of Czech.

But on to some happier news... Did I mention we got to ride in a '59 Skota?? Our bus driver, Peter, and his dad restored it. There are only two in the Czech Republic that have been restored. People had some pretty funny double takes when we passed them.

Here is Peter in the driver's seat in his authentic Skota driver's uniform.

Then it was onto a crystal factory. I was super excited because I had never seen glass blown before.

This is one of the molds they use.

30% of the glass has to be thrown away because there are too many bubbles.

My favorite part was watching the glass cutters. They have to be so precise!

Our last stop was Karlstegn Castle which was up in the mountains and SUPER cold. I'm talking 40 degree weather in the summer. We were all freezing our butts off because no one brought winter coats. It was nice, but unfortunately I can't show you pictures because it wasn't allowed. I hate these rules!

By the way - Mary Lyn and I have been collecting pictures of Czech words ending in "y". We are easily amused. Exhibit A -

Exhibit B - "wow"

I will try to post a few more from today because tomorrow we leave for the U.S! I'm ready to be back but after looking at all my pictures I want to come again for sure.

Mary Lauren

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