Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Crab Hunting and Hanging Out {in Hilton Head}

The kids wanted to go crab hunting...

And along the way I got a few shots of my Aunt Dana and Uncle Wayne.

And Brett and Jill :)

Sammi was so proud of the crab she found.

By the next day Colby had decided he wants to be a photographer when he grows up. Sooo cute.

He took a picture of me taking a picture of him. Great angle of me huh?

Baby loved to play peek-a-boo under the ottoman.

Silly girls... love 'em!

Peyton found these shells at the beach and asked me to take a picture of them. She was so proud of them!

Love moments like these. Makes me realize why I love photography. This is while watching Madagascar 3.

Let me tell you - Jackson is SUCH a heartbreaker. I could just eat him up!

Silly faces!

Cuddling minus the baby...

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