Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This weekend we celebrated Gregory and Logan's Birthdays down at Percy Priest lake. It was also the day that it decided to pour buckets but luckily for us it happened right before and right after we were outside. Happy Birthday guys!

By the time we got to Kristy's house Zachary was wiped out.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jimmy's Eagle Scout Ceremony

So there was another milestone at the Mansfield house this weekend - my brother officially became an Eagle Scout. It was so great to be there for him after watching him work on it for so long. I think they said he had hiked a total of a couple hundred miles or something??? For his project he built an outdoor amphitheater at a local elementary school. Needless to say I was extremely proud of him. Love you Brother!

As I took this picture I was tearing up myself...

My mom pinning on his official pin.

Letter from Obama!

Afterwards my dad had a huuuge crawfish boil. Go Dad.

My and my roommate with our pet crawfish...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two Great Families {in Hilton Head}

Got these just after dinner. Daddy/daughter moments :)

Look at those lashes!

Chris and Shannon and the boys got up early just to get these. 7am to be exact!

Doesn't this just steal your heart?

Crab Hunting and Hanging Out {in Hilton Head}

The kids wanted to go crab hunting...

And along the way I got a few shots of my Aunt Dana and Uncle Wayne.

And Brett and Jill :)

Sammi was so proud of the crab she found.

By the next day Colby had decided he wants to be a photographer when he grows up. Sooo cute.

He took a picture of me taking a picture of him. Great angle of me huh?

Baby loved to play peek-a-boo under the ottoman.

Silly girls... love 'em!

Peyton found these shells at the beach and asked me to take a picture of them. She was so proud of them!

Love moments like these. Makes me realize why I love photography. This is while watching Madagascar 3.

Let me tell you - Jackson is SUCH a heartbreaker. I could just eat him up!

Silly faces!

Cuddling minus the baby...
