Thursday, July 1, 2010

Backstage at the Ryman

I have a love affair with hymns. Growing up in a baptist church I was never very far from a hymnal, but it wasn't until college that it became a part of the fabric of my being. I became involved with a college ministry called RUF (Reformed University Fellowship). It was here I met the Belmont RUF pastor, Kevin Twit, who quickly invited me and the other students into a world of dusty hymn texts that filled his entire house and his life. The words were richer than anything I had ever heard and as they told a glorious story of the Gospel I understood God's "Love That Will Not Let Me Go".

Indelible Grace is the hymn project born out one of the first Belmont RUF groups 10 years ago. The main idea was to take these old texts (some forgotten) and put them to new music. Since then 6 albums have been produced and and recorded by the same people who started it and are now successful musicians. Last night at the Ryman they performed many of these hymns who have become beloved to RUF students, churches, and a new generation of children who are now growing up with these hymns. Kevin Twit and his wife, Wendy were so passionate about putting last night together. I was more than thrilled to help with merchandise mostly because I love telling people about the CD's and the beautiful songs on them. Praise God for amazing mentors and an amazing night!

You can go to the Indelible Grace site >here< to hear the music!

Oh, and did I mention that we are crazy? Exibit A - Melissa Hill.

I love this girl.

Matthew Smith

Kevin explaining one of the songs

Derek Webb

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