Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet the Anders

AAAHHHH - So I'm in Texas for the weekend for my close friend's wedding! Can't believe we met at Firespark (aka summer camp) almost 4 years ago. It was actually kind of weird not being the photographer for once. I found myself being a little self concious about taking pictures because I didn't want to get in the way of the actual professionals. Laura's dad even took over the camera few times for me while I got in on the action :)

Congrats Tiffany & Ryan! Enjoy Costa Rica lovers.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lovely Agnes

Agnes called me this weekend for an emergency session. Her recital posters needed to be up asap, so it was Mary Lauren to the rescue. She was a little apprehensive about getting pictures done, but as you will be able to see she was a natural! No plastered on smile here. I believe these perfectly represent her - calm, quiet, and beautiful! It was her idea to go to the Scarret-Bennet center which is a gem. Definitely going back there to shoot. Oh, and did I mention that the weather was PERFECT. 70 with a slight breeze :)

Here is the recital poster I designed for her:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dabbling in Design

Jenni asked me to design her recital poster... so here is one of my first attempts EVER at design...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cutie Pie!

My friend, Madonna had this great idea to give a "Mommy and Me" session to her good friend as a baby present. Here is the gift certificate I made for them...

I was sooo looking forward to this sessions a) because I love babies, b) because I love little girl babies, and c) I don't get to shoot babies often much less three-week-olds! Ainsley's mom, Candace could not have been more helpful and laid back, even when Ainsley decided to stay away for pretty much the entire time. But with babies you have to be reeeeaaallly flexible. really. She was such a HAM! Love. it.

So without further ado meet Ainsley.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chick of Awesomeness

Jamie needed some stuff to vamp up her music page on myspace. She's a country artist with some serious natural ability in front of a camera. We shot this at a new place I found around campus and it worked sooo well.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Life as of Late

It helps to have photographer friends. Yesterday Zach came over to test out my new backdrop and mini studio. We found that out combined gear pretty much made it work. You rock Zach!
