Sunday, November 22, 2009

Update: Visiting Orphans Trip

For those of you following my mission trip, we definitely have a date and place nailed down. We are going to El Sunzal, El Salvador March 6-13th. The orphanage's name is Cuidad de los Ninos which houses 100 orphans of varying ages and sits right on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

I am so blessed that God is providing the means for me to go through the mini sessions. Thank you to everyone who has done a mini session, donated, and prayed. Keep praying that God will continue to provide. Click here to visit the Visiting Orphans website.

Mary Lauren

God sent forth his son, born of woman, born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons. - Galations 4:4

Mosaic Album is out!

Remember the awesome band I blogged a couple weeks ago? Well Mosaic's album just came out! and did I mention that it's A-MAZING? Listen to their album here and buy it too :)

Mary Lauren

Lara+Jim+Lillian+Mary Ida

Get ready of one of the cutest things ever. If the little girls weren't enough they had to add a dog. Surprisingly this session was also a breeze because Lillian and Mary Ida were so great for me! and yes I still had my peanut butter m&m's but still...

This perfectly represents their relationship. They love each other so much!

One of my favorite pictures. They saw the pictures of Emily and Liala from my earlier session and wanted to be just like them!

Thanks for making it a great session guys! Hope to see you soon and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Mary Lauren


So one of my good friends, Nick, and his family needed family pictures. And when I say needed I mean it's been 8 YEARS since the last time they did this. 8 YEARS. Needless to say, I was happy to help.

I made him smile and I'm very proud of myself.


I feel to totally represent this family on my blog, they deserve their own blooper reel...

Thanks for being so much fun guys. You made my day.

Mary Lauren

Belmont Rose Garden

Saw these flowers during Britney's session and I just had to sneak a few shots afterwards.

Mary Lauren

Friday, November 20, 2009

More Britney

Last weekend my friend, Britney, and I frolicked around campus. The outcome of this adventure will find it's way into her Christmas present for her mom. As you can see it was tons-o-fun.

Britney, you're beautiful.

Oh, the steps of Pembroke Hall where many men have stroked the musical strings of woo.


This picture so represents her sweet nature.

Apparently Britney cannot stop laughing. I love it.

Had so much fun with you, girl. Hope your mom likes these!

Mary Lauren

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Sneak peek from my session today... More to come...

Mary Lauren

My Grammy

Ok, so her real name is Suzanne, but it's just not legal to call your grandmother by her actual name. Her neighborhood is the perfect place for sessions like these. When I showed this to my friend, Morgan, she said, "Oh my gosh, she is such a beautiful person." I would have to agree :)

This might just be one of my favorite shots ever. This is their back patio.

She wanted a photo beside this tree because it's my Paul Paul's favorite.

This one makes me smile.

Mary Lauren


These girls rocked their mini session. Their parents wanted some Christmas card pictures, but we decided to spice it up a bit. Sister chemistry is the best ever.

Umm.. gorgeous?!


Other fave... yes, I can have more than one.

Murfreesboro has the coolest alleys.

Mary Lauren
